Clergy and parishioners are committed members of the Christians Together in Kidderminster group, taking part in the annual Lenten groups, Good Friday Walk of Witness and Easter celebration.
Parishioners take part in the annual Women's World Day of Prayer service, also the New Life Together choir.
Other ecumenical activities include regular Bible Sharing groups and Prayer groups, Christian Aid collection and the local Fairtrade group.
We support the Kidderminster Food Bank and the Christmas Day Lunch.
We join in the prayer of Our Lord Jesus 'that all may be one'.

The Friendship Club usually meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month when the over "60's" enjoy a 2 course lunch for only £4 followed by a free raffle of prizes generously and voluntarily donated by members.
We can comfortably cater for about 36 people at a time. In July and December we visit a local restaurant.

Craft club meets the first and third Tuesday of the month from 2 pm - 4 pm in the Borromeo Hall.
We are a friendly group who enjoy crafting together. We share skills and ideas, including knitting, crochet, cross stitch, paper craft, flower arrangement and many other crafts. Join us for an evening of creativity, chatter and a cup of coffee or tea.
For more information contact Betty Martin (01562) 745051

The Catholic Men's Societycmssmall The Catholic Men's Society is a parish based branch of a national organisation meeting to discuss topics of Faith. We promote devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, pilgrimages and fraternal brotherhood. Meetings on Wednesday evenings, usually monthly.
Contact details:
Martin Grovenor email at gettheplane37@gmail.com
or contact Ray Barber at rayb34@hotmail.com

Union of Catholic Mothersucmlogo The Union of Catholic Mothers meets fortnightly on a Monday evening in the Borromeo Hall at 7:30.
We come together to pray, fundraise, socialise and help the parish in anyway we can. From providing teas and coffes with the occasional cake at events, to offering support and guidance when it is needed.

President: Betty Martin.
Secretary: Danuta Duncombe (01562 746748)
We belong to the Wolverhampton Section within the Archdiocese. At present the President of the Wolverhampton Section is one of our members; Betty Martin. Each year we take part in the National Pilgrimage to Walsingham.

Association for the Propagation of the Faithmissio Well known and loved through their famous 'red boxes', the A.P.F and the Mill Hill Missionaries count on you to help feed the poor and support the Missions overseas. The A.P.F. is the only organisation which supports and directly funds local Churches. They are responsible for building churches, schools, providing healthcare and much more. Please given generously when you see their red boxes in our churches. Pennies soon make pounds. 

Secretaries: Bernice Hart & Jane DaCosta.

St Vincent de Paulsvplogo The Society of St Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic organisation of lay men and women. It seeks to help those in need. It does this through local groups called 'Conferences'. We belong to the St Ambrose Conference in Kidderminster.
Through person-to-person contact we provide material and other support. We assume confidentiality at all times and establish relationships based on trust and friendship.

For further details, please contact Joel Douglas, President, on 07706 053329 or presidentf021504@svp.org.uk

St. Ambrose's Companions
This is a group of single people (widowed, unmarried and otherwise alone) who meet on the second Thursday of each month in the Adams Lounge for lunch and company.
There are outings and other events to encourage members in their parish friendships. 

Please contact: Ann Harris c/o The Rectory.

Rosary Group
A rosary group meets on the First Friday of each month at 10:30 am. in the Sacred Heart Church in Tenbury. 

Faith at Work in Worcestershire
Parish representative: Chris Harvey.
See link   https://www.faithatwork.org.uk

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